Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Productive or unproductive day

I am in an mindset of transfixtion when I even have two hours to myself in daylight hours. Today I had math for 1.5 hours in the reciscent morning. Then I lingered in the cafeteria and libary at L.A.Valley College. I combed over historical facts necessary for my test Sunday. I planned and plotted and got everything done in a timely manner. I took a 10 min break to look for an interesting children's book. Who am I in this junior college of life taking my umpteenth credit on the horizon of intellectual spanning? Where will I be in five years? I was never able to answer those precise interview questions. I wonder if McDonalds asks, where will you be in five years? "Not behind this damn counter serving dollar menu items. That's faw sure." Maybe there is a humble quality in staying degree less. And maybe there is an insane paradigm for trying to be over educated. Education doesn't often translate into capitalitstic endeavors. And some genie in the admin buidling keeps thinkin up new categories for masters and PhDs. I am a master of everything and a realist at nothing. I go thru the driveway on the way home and discuss Plato with the Carls Jr. window cashier. English is their second language and they thought I was talking about the Platters. I looked in my bag five minutes later and I got the cinco meal, not the dos. I go to my room and nap, postpoing tomorrow.