Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mucho Pensar en Espanol

Sinceramente, no les importa lo que Joan o Cathy pensar. He tenido que hacer frente a la carga de dictar sentencia y días pasados. He convertido en mi propia persona en este famoso valle, un valle de sangre y criados inmigrantes, la esperanza y la desesperación. He vendido compró tres coches y tres. He abandonado este valle sólo para volver a terminar mis estudios. Personas dos mil millas de distancia son irrelevantes. Muchas personas no tienen como Cathy ... mi hermano de la esposa de uno. Sra. Conklin, que arrojó una bolsa de patatas fritas en ella. Vonnie Kohrs no como ella. ¿Puedes traducir esto y ver qué punto de vista estoy viniendo?

The final segment

This blogspot was supposed to be a succession for my past but now my life has been the past I have tried to avoid. Just to clear things up, the more subversive Cathy has become, and the more hostile my sister has, I regret things less. What is the payback for someone who has been undermining me for years and putting herself on a pedestal? I think the punishment was just. In 1980, Cathy quit drinking and ever since then she has segregated herself from do and not so do gooders. She is better than everyone else. It didn't make her less dysfunctional, more loveable, or more accepting. It made her into a biatch. Just like when she told my sister to move to L.A. Then when my sister got here, she barely let her sleep on her couch two days. I remember those times and how she iced me in 1988 with my husband. Its not till she got to be 300 lbs., did she possibly look back and think she was not invincible. She dissed my mom, Dave OB, Jane V., Darla, Kim and others and I remember each word from her mouth. That is what I remember. Perhaps she did take me out for lunch this Fall but it had to be on her terms. The once, fun Cathy has become the aging, destructible Cathy. I got tired of her bullshit and I did the one two. I didnt think anything would seriously become of it but now here we are.....in another room of mirrors and no one is lying. Whatever sincerity she intended has been washed away only to be mortalized by her spade tongue. Read Commandment 8, 9 & 10 and re enter your church or place of worship. Then you will know the true consequences.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

ಕ್ಯಾನ್ ಶೇ ಫೈಂಡ್ ಮೇ?

ಕ್ಯಾನ್ ಶೇ ಫೈಂಡ್ ಮೇ ವೆನ್ ಶೇ ಡೋಂಟ್ ಕ್ನೌ ಮೇ?
ಕ್ಯಾನ್ ಶೇ ದೆಫಿ ಮೇ ವೆನ್ ಶೇ ನೆವರ್ ಶೋವೆದ್ ಮೇ.